At Christ Community Church we believe one of the primary ways God grows and transforms lives is in the context of relationships. The best place to get connected with others is in our Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF). Our ABFs are communities of adults committed to meeting together weekly in a welcoming environment where God's Word is taught by gifted teachers.

Our ABFs meet each Sunday morning on campus from 9:00-10:10am. Have kids? We have Sunday School classes available for all ages. Click here to find one that's right for your child. We hope you’ll join us.

In our ABFs you can expect at least three things:

  • A Place To Belong

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  • A Place To Give And Receive Care

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  • A Place To Grow In God's Word

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Some of our groups are organized according to stage of life, gender, or even language preferences. Others are open to all adults, regardless of demographics. Some groups are smaller, while others are much larger. But all are open to newcomers.   

To find a group that's right for you, see our list below.

To find a Sunday morning group for your kids, check out our children's and youth pages.


All Life Stages, Co-ed

Teacher: Karl Sisson 

Leader: Colleen Valentine

Location:  Room F

We study the Bible and seek to know others and be known. This is our core commitment. We do this through regular times of prayer, sharing, encouragement, and challenge. We value investing in one another’s lives and shared experiences—all the while investing in God’s Word. In fact, each week we seek to understand how God’s Word applies to our daily lives. We keep it fun, too! We’re a bunch that loves to laugh.


All Life Stages, Co-ed

Teacher: Ken Anthony

Leader: Andy Flynn

Location:  Fellowship Hall

Our group enjoys baked goods, coffee, and informal conversation, then moves into a time of prayer for one another. Each week our study of God’s Word digs deep into a book of the Bible. Animated participation is the norm and lots of laughs, though we get serious, too. Most years, we have brunch a few times and a couple of social events.

Elevate: Strengthening Marriages & Families

Married Couples

Teacher/Leader: John and Heather Patenaude

Location: Room C

Our group is committed to strengthening marriages and families. We do this by teaching topics that help us grow in a biblical understanding of God's perfect design for marriage, as well as understanding God’s role for the family in culture and society. Our group provides mentorship, teaching, community, and a safe place to strengthen your marriage. 

Faith Builders

All Life Stages, Co-ed

Teacher: Pastor Mike McDowell

Leader: Linda Humphrey

Location: Lloyd Chapel

We’re a community that honors gray hair but it's not a requirement. We think our group would be a great place for college aged and young married couples who might benefit from the wisdom and experience of those who have already gone through what they are facing. Pastor Mike does a great job teaching our ABF, with weekly discussion and lively group participation. Our group regularly practices the “one another’s” of Scripture – we care for one another, pray for one another and love one another. At least once a quarter we plan breakfast together, and share in good fellowship each Sunday morning.


All Life Stages, Co-ed

Teacher: Dr. Dave Woodall

Leader: Dave Lehman

Location: Seminar Area

We are a group of committed believers who enjoy rich fellowship as we share our lives together. Our meetings include an extended time of sharing praises and prayer requests, along with a time of group prayer for the individual requests. This is followed by an in-depth study of biblical books, theological themes or special topics.

Unidad En Cristo

Adult Spanish Speakers, Co-ed

Teacher: Pastor Eliel Rojas

Leader: Erica Contreras

Location: Darms Chapel

We are a group of people whose first language is Spanish. While many of us are bilingual there is something important in having the Word of God taught in our native tongue. We have a variety of ages in our group and are always open to welcoming newcomers. We study whole books of the Bible at a time, alternating between the Old Testament and New Testament.



Teacher: Nancy Pickering

Leader: Sandy Leech

Location: Parlor

Our group is unique, in a good way; ask anyone who attends. Our ABF is comprised of all women, and we'll be the first to tell you that your age doesn't matter. So if you're 18-105, feel free to join us. We are open, honest, and trustworthy, and in our group you'll find a safe place to share your mistakes and joys. Above all, you will be welcomed. We care for each other and take prayer very seriously. You'll find good teaching, but not just from the designated teacher - everyone contributes.


Young Adults, Co-ed

Teacher/Leader: Pastor Drew Wicklund

Location: Room E (Quilting Room)

Whether you are single, dating, married, with kids or without, we welcome you to join us. Our main objective each Sunday morning is to delve deep into God’s Word. It is our conviction that the Bible informs all that “we believe”—from what we believe about the ordinary and mundane to what we believe about God, theology, and our spiritual lives. This is why we study the Bible. It informs every aspect of life. When it comes to life stages, our group is in different places, but when it comes to studying the Bible together, we share a singular focus. So no matter where you find yourself in life, if you have a desire to study the Bible and allow it to shape your beliefs, come join us.

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Drew Wicklund

Pastor of Adult Ministries email

To learn more about our groups, please contact Pastor Drew Wicklund.