For members and regular attenders, please find updates on the search process below.
Congregational Updates
The Search Committee and the Elder Board are hosting a visit of a pastoral candidate for the position of Senior Pastor. Pastor Logan Nyquist and his family will be here during the week of February 2. Pastor Nyquist will be preaching on February 2 and 9 and there will be several opportunities throughout the week to get to know him, his children and his wife Raven. The Search Committee is putting together the schedule for his visit now and it will be made available soon. There is an information sheet about Pastor Nyquist in the lobby. There will be a congregational meeting to vote to on Pastor Nyquist as our next Senior Pastor immediately following the worship service on February 16.
- Thank you for participating in the Congregational Survey. We had 271 completed surveys. Click here to see the results.
- Please continue to keep the Search Committee in your prayers as we discern God's will for our church.
Contact Us
If you have questions or comments for the Search Committee, please email us at